Apr 6, 2012

Ma'ariv: Legendary Israeli Spy-Master, Benjamin Blumberg, Confirms That Arnon Milchan Was Top Secret Agent Working For Him

The first photograph of legendary Israeli spy-master Benjamin Blumberg
ever published. Blumberg created and ran Israel's super-secret LAKAM spy
agency. Image published in Israel's Maariv Newspaper 04-06-2012.
The Passover addition of one of Israel's oldest and largest daily newspapers, Maariv, contains a huge interview with Benjamin Blumberg, one of the most important hero's in the non-fiction book Confidential. At age 88, these are the first words ever uttered publicly by the legendary spy-master who, on orders from David Ben Gurion and Shimon Peres, created the LAKAM, the Science Liaison Bureau spy agency focused on obtaining technology and materials for Israel's clandestine nuclear program. Blumberg headed LAKAM until the early 1980's, a very active and successful  period. In 1981, the agency was taken over by spy-master Rafi Eitan following a reorganization by then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon. For the first time ever, Blumberg confirmed his relationship with prolific Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan, who was one of his most important and productive agents over a period of many years. The article is in Hebrew, and also contains the only known photograph every taken of Benjamin Blumberg since his high-school days in pre-Israel Palestine. (link to the Maariv article is now available).